Saturday, August 30, 2014

It's all about Balance

School started this week for the kids, so my job started to settle somewhat. The part I'm having the most trouble with is time management....when my time does not seem to be my own.  Friday we had a meeting that lasted longer than it should, then had to rush to help a teacher with orienting kindergartners to the computer lab, I was missing an Educational Services quarterly birthday luncheon to do this, but my eating choices would have been extremely limited so I had already planned on stopping at Chik fil a on my way back. The kids meal with grilled nuggets, then a diet lemon aide for later is a great fast food for me....well as luck has it, the drive through line was around the building and I just didn't have time for all that...I had another meeting/training starting at 2.  So I was ill prepared, I should always have a P3 or a protein bar on hand in case I don't get to eat.  I found a package of peanuts, so I survived. (But just barely ;-))
Exercise is going pretty good, I've been going after dinner on Monday and Wednesday...get a good workout plus my 10,000 steps...then Friday rolls around and I'm whooped.  So today I'm going to try to go later this afternoon ....depending how the day is Bill's birthday and we are going to some some of warbird/car show....I have no idea what that is....and how long it will last.  Water and vitamins are OK....not where they are suppose to be; but better than I was before surgery so I'm counting that as good.  I would like to find time for more support, there are plenty of support groups locally, but if I go to a support group I miss my gym time (plus I pay $37 per session for a personal trainer).  I'm finding on line support somewhat lacking.  One FB group of local people is pretty good, the other that spinned off Bariatric Pal...I'm having some issues....there are some people who post nothing but personal about eating pizza, then complain when they don't lose, post weight loss on My Fitness Pal...then get on FB and say they are in a stall...haven't lost a lbs in a I'm checking in there less and less...don't need all that drama!
I'm continuing to lose at a rate of about .5 lb per day, it seems like a continual process of trying on clothes that are going into the too big pile...and finding items that used to be too small and now fits....there has been a whole lot of shopping in my closet. I was noticing this morning I now have a waist, and my last roll is almost gone.
I wanted these pictures side by side, but gave up
just showing off my progress

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