Saturday, May 10, 2014

and the preparations continue

I took 2 before pictures today, one of me:
  The background is the master suite that we've been remodeling for years, don't even get me started.

And below is the before of my part of the closet, the plan is to put my clothes is size order...get rid of as stuff getting too big...take pictures of both a shrinking me and shrinking closet....and once I have almost nothing left to wear....then I get to do some shopping.

My last picture is some of the products I've purchased as I'm preparing.....I'm a month out from starting my pre-op liquids!


  1. Great pictures! Hard to believe we are just a little over a month out. It's amazing how real this has all become!

  2. I got my pants organized....I have from size 18 to size 12.....only about 5 pairs of size 12. Plus I cleared out part of the pantry for my protein shake stuff.

  3. I haven't gotten my clothes totally organized yet. I went through a bunch of tops and realized how many cute blouses I have that are too small. Would be nice to wear some of them by the end of summer. I am actually looking forward to clothes for the first time in a long time!!
