Wednesday, May 28, 2014

EGD today

I had my EGD today, last thing to do before I start my liquid Pre-Op.  Dr. Hodges eased my my mind bit, I was worried if my esophagus was too big of a mess, they would not do the surgery....she assured me that gastric by-pass was actually the treatment of choice for severe acid reflex in someone with a BMI over 30....I then said That I must be the perfect patient!.....then they knocked me out.  Propofol....which is what Michael Jackson OD'd on, when I woke up I was dreaming about nerdy is that? Anyway, they did take a biopsy, and I should hear about that in about 4 days.

I also got a hair cut this weekend, I've been thinking of a shorter style for a while....thought it would look cuter and easier to look good with the surgery and all.  When I mentioned it to husband and my daughter, who is also my fashion adviser...they weren't too thrilled....but I did it anyway.  My hair was too the point all I was doing was slapping it back in a pony here is a picture (with my fashion adviser).

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